Friday, May 14, 2010

A cucaracha visit, Spanish lessons end, en route vers Mexico City

Tejate, a pre-hispanic drink, a specialty of Oaxaca, made from ground corn, maize, and mamey seed and the rosita cocoa flower. The ingredients are ground to form a paste, which is later mixed by hand in water until a foam forms on top. They say in order to prepare to perfection, takes years of practice! The drink is served in painted gourds :) Savoury, nutritious in a pretty presentation. 

Another week has passed, lots of Spanish learnt, ate a lot of fantastic food, all home made from the hands of my lovely homestay mother, Margarita, lots of Spanish & English conversations, and here ends the part of my own travel.

I would have never thought that I would start to feel sense of loneliness after a week of being away, but I did. However, that is mainly due to my intended seclusion to the "gringos" (a term used by Mexicans to refer to white americans) as I am staying with a real Mexican family vs. a hostel full of gringos. Since I only have contacts with Mexicans, the language barrier still does become a nuisance at times!

One of the evening, the inevitable happened. A cucaracha paid me a visit while i was in the shower. Good thing I wasn't wearing my glasses, so all i could see was this thumb sized cochroach roaming on the shower floor. My whole concentration was spent controling my fear and withholding my scream. I kept telling myself, "it is not dangerous" over and over, and with enough will, I may be able to flatten it with my slipper once im done showering. Once done showering, I muster enough strength to want to kill it. Put on my glasses, and ... saw it more clearly. At that point, I've lost all courage to kill it! Finally locked the nasty thing and asked Adolfo (homestay papa) to take care of it... This makes me realized no matter how clean a hostel/hotel is, my encounters with this radiation-proof multi-legged nasty bugger have just begun... *gulp* This is one fear that I'd like to conquer one day... I am not afraid of walking home alone at night, but yet i am afraid of a cochroach... how funny our mind plays tricks on us!!!

Below is a nice little video showing you how some of the vendors sharpen knives in the street markets in Oaxaca! :)

On another note, about a week and 2 days into my over-ambitious zeal to study Spanish, I finally realized that I am frustrated and cannot take the pressure I've put onto myself to learn Spanish. 4hrs a day + 3hrs of homework + Spanish language exchange is a bit much... I can't absorb as much as I want to. It finally came down to a small breakdown in class. This is yet, another lesson to be learned as I have come to realize that I am not a machine, and that I need to stop and smell the roses, after all that was whole purpose of this trip! Thankfully, I have an extremely understanding teacher and she comforted me that indeed, she has never given materials so fast in such a short frame of time, but because I was able to understand it, she adjusted to my speed. We both agreed in the end to reduce the time to 3hrs, so that I can actually regurgitate what I've learnt in speech and not only grammatically!!

Before leaving, Angélica, the assistant at the Spanish school which I attended in Oaxaca, gave me a parting gift. It's a metal tin, completely hand made from the shape to the colourful painting on it. A typical artesan craft from the area called "Alajero". Not only was it a thoughtful gift, but it was the perfect gift!! I was about to ask her for some old cardboard box in order to put the fragile jewelries that I've purchased, and voilá! What a beautiful and pleasant surprise :)

Metal tin gift from Angélica!

¡La vida me da sorpresas, Sorpresas me da la vida!
(Life gives me surprises, surprises give me life)

I've had to leave my wonderful homestay family in Oaxaca to come to Mexico City from an overnight bus. My 2 weeks of spanish lessons have ended, and now is the start of another journey, as I am about to go pick up my mommy from the airport. Another rhythm, another journey.


  1. Avoiding the cockroach...

    It is not an easy task.
    Some tips:
    1) Do not leave your bag on the floor, put it on a chair or hang it somewhere
    2) Sun will kill the eggs, put items in the sun if you need to
    3) They like moisture, humidity and cleanliness
    4) They will not hurt you
    5) Ensure a solid sole to a shoe if you are going to crush them with your foot (it is not a pleasant feeling)
    6) They multiply quickly
    7) Some fly

    You will survive!

  2. Haha Jenny, that reminds me of my beginning days in Guyana, when I was appointed Food Coordinator and my task was to make sure the food was clear of cockroaches.

    I was around a bunch of Guyanese and Australian volunteers who weren't scared of cockroaches at all, and thought I was being pretty ridiculous because those bugs are harmless. After seeing how nonchalant they were around cockroaches, and after realizing how there are way scarier creatures around (tyratulas, bats, snakes, etc.), I gradually got used to the cockroaches. That said, I have faith that with time, you will also get used to them and find a way to live in harmony with them. After all, every living creature is all part of our healthy ecosystem! :D It's the plastics that we should be terrified of, remember? :p

    It's nice how just as you are feeling a little lonely, your mom is scheduled to come in!

  3. Jen,

    Compared to cockroaches you are Godzilla. Nothing to be afraid of. Maybe if you can find somebody to teach you how to cook them, you'll appreciate them more...

  4. @Anonymous: Point 7 reminds me of those days where my sis and I would scream everytime we see one and throw our slippers from across the room trying to kill it... yes thx for reminding me that they fly *gag*

    @Tina: food inspector!! What a job!! I will remind myself to be nonchalent yes ... MIND OVER MATTER!

    @Minh: LOL Minh, thx I will always think of Godzilla next time I have to face one. And perhaps if I can let it walk over my feet and not feel a tinge of fear, perhaps that is when I am able to live in peace with it!! That's as far as I'd go though, I will skip the ingesting part!

  5. I am sure one day you can overcome the fear and kill cockroaches mercilessly. Not that I am wishing you lots of cockroach encouters nor that I am wishing you the strength to eventually squash them with your bare feet... :p

    Hope you have loads of fun with Cheng mama at Mexico!

  6. Jennnnnnnnn!!!! HALLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO, finally!!! it's funny how things work out, i saw the address to your blog when you sent a FB msg to Karin-Shawna!! lol!! I was like, mais ou est cette femme!!! hahhhaaah

    Good to see you having tons of fun!!!! we are finally having a great week with no snow or rain! lol, i don't know how long will this last tho! lol

    Your cucaracha story is hilarious!!! I'm coughing and lauging at the same time at work!!! lol, i can picture you keeping the scream in and the face you made!! hahahaha (ok no people, i'm not picturing jen naked in the bath!! i'm not a perv.....altho....hahahah LOL!)

    Can't wait till your next post, I wanna see you taking pictures of all the skimpy dresses you are gonna wear in the hot smoldering cities you visit!! amongst other pictures you will be taking as well, hahahha, but we (meaning I) wanna see you in your pictures, I'm sure you will not age at all since you are asian and all...but we wanna seeeeee youuuuuuuuuuu!!!

    Ok ok, i guess i wrote long nuff, keep your spirit up girly, you are an inspiration to a lot of people!! we (meaning I) misssss youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! :D

    btw any cute guys yet?? did you learn any complete phrases with the words "Ayyy pappiiii" in there somewhere?? heeeheeee...

    hey and if you have a number in meHico, send it to me, i can make free calls with my iphone to anywhere!! i think there's a time limit but i'm working on hacking it, hahahahah

    take care :p

  7. Hi Jenny
    Good to hear from you! When you see cockroaches, I have an idea - you can sing "la cucaracha, la cucaracha, no se puede caminar...." that's all I know...but hey singing a happy song while seeing one should bring you some positive vibes, and then the ability to step on it if you continue singing the song ...the next line has something to do with it only having 2 legs, which obviously means it must have been stepped on! (if you look up the song on wikipedia there are all sorts of lyrics to that song that relate to Mexican history...quite interesting!)
    Hope your mom is doing well and excited along with you,
    Have fun together!!

  8. @Shazi: lol, I am happy the other encounters with cucarachas have been usually in a belly-up state or dismembered or cut in half... somehow that eases the process of accepting it as a "defeatable foe".

    Gotta say Tulum a 2nd time is still beautiful !! Can't complain :) and the water is just amazing! lol, no cute guys yet unfortunately, last time I had an "invitation"
    from the coach of National Mexican women's soccer team. But now that I'm traveling with my mother, they do not dare do much :D I think my real adventure will start after she takes off. Now, I must behave. For now. Miss you too! xxoo, dont hesitate to come down to visit me if you have holidays!

    @Sara: Thanks for the info on the cucaracha song!! I never knew it had such meanings!!

  9. Makes me think of those bad cockroaches in Family Guy... the ones that'l cut you. Ever seen that one?

    Hey are you planning on moving outside Mexico or are you sticking around there?

    HF with your mom!


  10. @Frank: LOL, no i didnt see that episode, but sounds like a riot.

    I will move on, but seems like it has been very difficult to move on!! Should move onto Guatemala soon...

  11. Hi Jen,
    Does this means that you are not coming back to Mtl?
    All the best, Csaba

  12. @Csaba: Who ever said that? What gave you the impression? FYI, I'll be back this November :) p.s. Csaba... can you put your full name? I've been disconnected for awhile... I apologize!
